sábado, setembro 29, 2007

Objectos de adorno de autor/Marca Lobo Brown Portugal

Lembranças de Portugal por Darin Pappas....
ithaka: stonemobile (1996)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZTBBIvlLbE

sábado, setembro 01, 2007

[...] Like a blossoming flower; a conscious dream goes through the same metamorphosis: - the sowing or the formulation of a dream - the growth or the implementation of stages for its realization - the blossoming or fulfilment of the dream - the wilting or the birth of a new conscious dream.

The life of every human and the organization is worth living if we understand that our personal and collective responsability is to share and to express our full creative power while respecting the life that engendered us.

To transform one's life is to create, to invent, to imagine. [...]

The Power of the Future

Guy Cloutier
